Do you worry about the ‘what if’s’?

We know too many owner managers who have developed a great company, with a number of staff, but as with any growing business, they are suffering from the pains of growing. Simple signs can be:-

•   When you are lying awake at night worrying how to get everything done
•   Knowing you are juggling too many things and are just waiting one to be missed
•   Constantly feeling that there are not enough hours in the day
•   You know that the business can grow without adding more people into the mix but just not sure how
•   When a member of staff leaves or is sick and there is no contingency for them.

The skills that Propolis can bring you are not looking at what you are doing, documenting it all and ensuring that you have a ‘Red Bus Manual’ that someone else can pick up in times of unexpected absence, but also working closely with you…

We look at how you and your staff can
•   Work smarter thought better use of systems or documents such as excel.
•   Generate time for you by reducing worry about who is doing what.
•   Have clear documented processes, which question why do you do it this way

These simple things can help you to revisit your methods and remove any unnecessary steps and duplications. from a staff perspective we help each area to stop firefighting and create time for growth, be this in the new customer process, invoicing or communication between orders and manufacture.

Most importantly we give you that peace of mind that your business is on a solid platform to be able to grow with clear ownership and methodology. Helping Directors and managers to sleep at night knowing that their business is handled in an effective way.

If you feel that your business would benefit from documenting all your processes to help in times of absence, to increase capacity or to help you on the road to ISO9001 please get in touch for a chat about how we could help by emailing