Do you listen to customer feedback?

Working with your complaints will help you grow a stronger business

Are you giving enough credence to complaints, as an SME business do you spend enough time reflecting on what your complaints are telling you about the business.

A regular complaints analysis will tell you if everything is working succinctly

Are you spending a lot of time managing complaints?  Or do you even have capacity to record them?


  • How many complaints are you getting, do you record them?
  • Is it a one off, or are there more hiding
  • Has the complaint been driven by something you can improve
  • Process
  • Staff approach
  • Quality

Are complaints causing you financial stress due to time taken to resolve, compensation or replacement product / service.

All of the above can easily fixed with the right support. Understanding the root cause of your issues will help improve your offering, improve your processes and give your customers better service.

We can help you analyse your complaints and put in place strong controls to manage and monitor your position moving forwards.