Are you looking to enhance your current processes by incorporating Lean and 5S into your daily routine?

The benefits will be long lasting, helping you reduce waste, reduce changeover time and improve efficiency, all adding to an increase in profit & cash.

We have 2 options for lean and 5S training, delivered in a jargon free and easy to understand way.

Introduction to Lean and 5S

This interactive 1 day workshop has been designed to give your teams a complete understanding of Lean and 5S.

Duration: 1 day (09:30 – 16:30)

Suitable for: Teams on the shop floor and wider services including supply chain and accounts

After the workshop you will have:

  • A good understanding of  lean principles and be able to share these with others
  • A strong understanding of the benefit of value streams and start to develop value stream maps within the organisation
  • The ability to identify & further reduce waste
  • Knowledge of flow and batch and how these impact the organisation.
  • A basic understanding of Kaizan and Continuous Improvement.

Investment: £1000 + VAT for 8 attendees


Lean development and accountability

3 days of interactive training over a 3 month period to truly embed Lean into your organisation.

Throughout the programme your team will not only be able to understand Lean and incorporate it into their way of thinking, but they’ll also work proactively using a real case study from your own organisation.

This programme is suitable for shop floor, supply chain and accounts to help them understand the implication of lean on their areas of the business.

In preparation of the programme each attendee / subgroup will be asked to identify a product that is important to them and that passes through several processes within your organisation, and to document a very simple process map relating to it.

For example extrusion > blowing > printing > packing and gain an understanding of what happens before the order hits production.

At the end of the sessions your team will…

  • be able to introduce others to and embed lean principles
  • be able to ‘see’ how work flows through your organisation
  • be able to define value as perceived by the customer
  • be able to convert customer demand to a takt time
  • be able to define and document value streams
  • be equipped with the skills to lead small scale lean improvements

Day 1 – Developing your understanding of Lean, how your role interplays with Lean and Production Improvement, learning about customer demand and the best use of flow, batch and pull in manufacturing. Taking this knowledge, between the sessions the team have an opportunity to apply their learnings to a specific process / machine / pod, developing their value stream map, look for opportunities and report back on day 2 with their findings and challenges.

Day 2 – Refresher on learnings from day 1 and developing a greater understanding, building in more around measuring performance.  Present their work thus far and get help where problems have arisen. After day 2 the team are to continue the embedding of Lean and 5S into their area, taking the work to the next level and start to demonstrate improvements,

Day 3 – Building on the teams knowledge further, and presenting back to the group progress, improvements in order to openly discuss the positives and areas of improvement.  Throughout this session the group will be working as a team to find solutions with the support of the facilitator.

Investment £2500 for 8 team members